SYNTHEX Consulting Project Management Workshops have empowered numerous global clients to master and implement the structured KT project methodology. European clients, in particular, have praised the value of integrating these processes, tools, and techniques into their projects. They also highlighted the dynamic energy and interaction present in both virtual and in-person workshops, as well as the expertise and engagement of SYNTHEX Consulting Consultants.
The continuous support, combined with outstanding client feedback, underscores every SYNTHEX Consulting delivery. The journey from workshop learning to practical project application is a fundamental part of our value proposition. It is a privilege to facilitate and help deliver these services alongside the excellent team at SYNTHEX Consulting and our esteemed clients.
J’anime avec beaucoup de plaisir ces prestations en management de projets depuis de nombreuses années. Elles apportent de nombreux bénéfices aux entreprises. Elles permettent d’optimiser la planification et l’exécution des projets, d’améliorer la communication entre les équipes et d’accroître l’efficacité globale. En instaurant un langage commun et une structure uniforme, elles facilitent la collaboration et la compréhension mutuelle, ce qui réduit les malentendus et améliore la coordination.
Le parti pris de ces ateliers est de renforcer la phase de définition et la compréhension du scope projet. Une grande partie de la réussite ou de l’échec des projets se joue dans cette phase cruciale. Le travail en amont avec les parties prenantes est essentiel pour aligner les objectifs et les attentes et garantir que tous les aspects du projet sont bien compris et planifiés.
Au-delà des aspects purement techniques (Référentiel PMI) ces 2 ou 3 jours sont une opportunité précieuse de dialogue et d’échange avec les participants, permettant de comprendre leurs besoins spécifiques et d’adapter les ateliers en conséquence. Nous travaillons sur leurs projets de manière concrète et cette mise en pratique est une valeur ajoutée incroyable à cet accompagnement.
Les entreprises voient une nette amélioration dans la gestion de leurs projets, ce qui se traduit par une meilleure satisfaction des clients et des résultats plus prévisibles.
With KT Project Management, participants learn a rational process that allows them to navigate their way through the life of the project. The importance of definition and planning before implementation helps them to focus attention and build commitment within project teams. They appreciate the clear structure provided and the use of practical applications that allow them to work on their own projects throughout the workshop. They learn not only from the consultant but also from each other by sharing their project work and experiences.
Many of the tools within the process may be familiar to some participants, but only at a theoretical level. By applying the objectives, work breakdown structure, network planning and potential problem analysis on their own projects during the workshop, they are in the position to optimize their projects.
Project Managers learn the importance of communication and how to negotiate with resource managers and sponsors to achieve successful implementation, watching for a balance of the magic triangle of project management – time, cost and quality.
“I have been through other project management workshops in the past, and I have to tell you this was by far the best one… »
I cannot count how many times I have heard this feedback at the end of every other workshop over the years. Usually, it comes from seasoned professionals and the practical aspect of the workshop is always the main benefit mentioned. I get the biggest sense of accomplishment to confirm that we are indeed adding value to our clients.
In the three days of the PMW, we dive into the philosophy and techniques of Project Management to the depth participants need to successfully lead and contribute to any business initiative. We also set time aside so participants can put all the most important concepts into practice using their current projects as cases. I see this as the main differential that delivers the best returns to our clients.